Photo of Luu Mermelada Argentina

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A ca I have to put my biography? (Who asked him?)

Ood B hello how is everything ok?

Lucas finally called me 18 years I have come here with the crisis of the revolution of the 40 chicken 'when Madonna was a virgin and discussed with betty page for easy money, that is irrelevant maybe yes but not now good working for an industry of hydrogen peroxide (30 °) required that we...

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Photo of Luu Mermelada Argentina


A ca I have to put my biography? (Who asked him?)

Ood B hello how is everything ok?

Lucas finally called me 18 years I have come here with the crisis of the revolution of the 40 chicken 'when Madonna was a virgin and discussed with betty page for easy money, that is irrelevant maybe yes but not now good working for an industry of hydrogen peroxide (30 °) required that we hairnets and we place it (the hair) in the nets so they do not clarify our hair done the job of dung (cow) and took me to the LA PLATA correctional illegal abuse of chickens by austrolopitecus a species in a flow exitincion ... for UNISEX chicken shit took me 40 years in prison, I learned to love the neighbor despite of motor sudiscapacidad in the year in order not learn shit sucks me the rest of the year ahujero, chickens, vegetables and animals such as cable TV Flopy Tesouro.

I tell them that my photos are crap express nothing more than a feeling of struggle and sexual equality NO AND NO TO THE DISCRIMINATION! (for which he grabbed the attack?) (spasmodic attack minutes)


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